Our core business function remains structuring customized solutions that optimally reciprocate our clients’ needs by matching their unique demand with a spectrum of suppliers to enable best-in-class service levels and leading cost structures. We also provide an agnostic supply chain eco-system for our shippers further reducing their soft costs.
The transportation business remains one of deep relationships & enduring bonds. Imagine having hundreds of close family & friends living within your community. Our competitiveness lies in the network density and influence that we develop outside of traditional load boards with our logistics suppliers. BPSCS’ unrelenting focus on creditworthiness, constant contact, service level agreements and performance based reward, results in trust, bona-fide partnerships and an environment to deliver extraordinary results.
Our ability to act as creative intermediaries, operating with a mindset that all the supply chain proponents are our patrons has enabled our track record of passing through continuous benefits of service and cost to our valued customers.
A non-asset logistics service provider (LSP) model becomes very valuable for our customers in following situations: